Once Human Wiki

These allow every character unlocking special seasonal recipes for new or improved buildings or inventory items, or increasing the limit of the number of buildings in certain categories (e.g. more generators or structural parts) in the seasonal server. Note that none of these bonuses will be available in Eternaland. Every 5 levels of the character starting from level 5, a Memetic Specialization node will be unlocked, which offers a choice among 4 randomly generated Specializations, one from each branch of Gathering, Crafting, Management and Building, up to 10 possible specializations at level 50.


Effect Types[]

Each specialization grants one of the 4 effects to the unlocking character (note - not to their base, nor any facilities in their base, which are instead consequential whent he unlocking character chooses to utilize any of the 4 unlocked effects):

  • Unlock New Formula: the character gains a new formula that they can use on both boosted and non-boosted facilities at their base and bases of their friends that allow access. They do NOT have to unlock any memetic, provided they have access to the relevant crafting facility at any seasonal base, or can gain this access in the future. Some formulas allow crafting only 1 type of item, (e.g. "Art of Stardust Decay"), some allow crafting 3 "levels" of the same item with each "level" offering improved performance but requiring progressively rarer ingredients (note that "level" is not indicated in the item's description but is inferred from it, e.g. Load Handling "level 1" is the version of the item that offers 40% weight reduction, "level 2" - 60% weight reduction, while "level 3" - 80% weight reduction), and some allow crafting several different items (e.g. "Precious Metal Refining" gives 2 separate formulas - one for crafting Gold Ingots and the other one - for Silver Ingots). Taking "Art of Stardust Decay" as an example - this specialization allows the unlocking character to craft Acid from Stardust Source using Electric Furnaces (including both basic Electric Furnaces and Electric Furnaces improved with other specializations) at any base to which they are given access, including their own base and bases of their friends that give access, including Furnaces built before this effect was acquired. In this case the character needs to have access to Electric Furnace, which they must either have at their base already, or if not - then unlock it later via Memetics and build one to be able to benefit from this effect.
  • Improved Formula: similar to "Unlock New Formula", except the character receives a formula replacement for a specific basic formula, rather than a new formula in addition to the ones they have already (i.e. the character loses an ability to craft the non-improved item on their current seasonal server). The character needs to unlock the memetic of the non-improved formula to be able to benefit from this effect, either before or after obtaining this effect. Improved formula will require the same ingredients and crafting time, and the output item will have improved or additional bonuses to those of the basic non-improved item. Example: "Pickaxe: Moonlight Mining" will allow the character to craft improved pickaxes that give a better ore yield, losing the ability to craft the non-improved versions of pickaxes on their current seasonal server.
  • Unlock New Facility: similar to "Unlock New Formula", except this one is for a building that the character can build both at their base and bases of their friends that allow access. They do NOT need to unlock any relevant/similar memetic to be able to build the new facility. Example: "Large Refinery Facility" allows the unlocking character to build an improved version of Small Refinery Facility, and they do not need to unlock the "Fuel Refinery" memetic, which if they have unlocked - they can safely reset to reallocate Memetic Ciphers for better use and still continue to be able to build Large Refineries.
  • Facility Boost: similar to "Improved Formula", but for either a single facility (i.e. a building) or a category of facilities, which can be built both at their base and at bases of their friends that allow access. The character needs to unlock the memetic of the facility/facilities being boosted to be able to benefit from this effect, either before or after obtaining this effect. Boosted facility will require the same ingredients, and the resulting facility will have improved or additional bonuses to those of the basic non-boosted facility. Note that existing facilities already built are not automatically boosted upon acquiring this effect, and must be demolished and re-built for the bonus to be applied to them. Example: Generator: Electrical Expert will allow character with fully unlocked Memetics tree to build not just 6, but 7 generators at any base to which they are given access, including their own base and bases of their friends that give access. Be cognizant that since all specialization effects apply to the character unlocking them, and not to the base of the character, so any generator built by the character with this specialization will have +2 W output, however generators built already at the base of this character will not have the +2 W output bonus, until they are demolished and re-built. Similarly, if this character's friend with building rights but without any specializations visits this character's seasonal base, they would not be able to build more than 6 generators, even though the owner of the base has this effect unlocked. Conversely, with appropriate friend's building rights, this character will be able to build more than 6 generators on their friend's seasonal base (if they have "Power Upgrade - II" memetics unlocked).

Effect Scope[]

All effects apply to a character and not to their base. Then, as regards to the relevant item/facility crafted/built by the character, the effect can apply either to a single item/facility, a list of items/facilities, or a category of items/facilities. Examples:

  • "Art of Stardust Decay" only applies to "Electric Furnace", but not to "Furnace".
  • "Furnace: Sintering" applies to both "Furnace" and "Electric Furnace".
  • "Reinforced Structures: Healing Defense" applies to any structure that is in a "reinforced" category (in this case it includes the following categories: Enhanced Support, Small Enhanced Support, Enhanced Roofs, Enhanced Doors & Windows, Small Enhanced Roofs, Enhanced Stairs, Enhanced Curved Structures).

Effect Stacking[]

Effects from different specializations stack with each other, unless specialization description has the phrase "Effect cannot stack". Stacking will only apply to exact effects/facilities/groups of facilities mentioned. Notable examples:

  • "Load Handling" has the phrase, therefore placing more than 1 "Load Handling" item in your inventory will not provide further benefit beyond that provided by the 1st one.
  • "Generator: Electrical Expert" and "Hydraulic Generator: One with the Tides" both increase the limit of generators for the unlocking character by 1, and they will stack on each other, allowing a character that selected them both and also unlocked "Power Upgrade - II" memetic to build not just any 6, but any 8 generators (note - not only hydraulic generators, but any 8 generators, e.g. they could build 8 photon generators) at any seasonal base once both specializations are unlocked.
  • "Electric Furnace: Efficiency Lover" and "Furnace: Sintering" effects will stack on Electric Furnaces, allowing Glass and Sintered Bricks to be produced instantly.
  • "Large Refinery Facility" and "Refining Facility: Smelting" will stack with each other, i.e. it will be possible to refine Sulfur into Hot Rock Ore in Large Refinery Facility, because the game mechanics considers it a type of refining facility.
  • "Solar Drill" and "Electric Drill: Treasure Hunter" will stack with each other, because the game mechanics considers Solar Drill to be a sub-type of an Electric Drill.

Memetic Cleansers[]

A character can use Memetic Cleansers to reset their Specializations on the Memetic Specialization screen. These are inventory items found in "Materials" tab, and at most 5 can be obtained in each Season by completing Season Goals. They are season-exclusive and will disappear after the season ends. Each Cleanser weights 0.000 and is linked to the obtaining character - which therefore means that they cannot be discarded, placed in storage creates or traded to other characters.

When consuming a Cleanser, a new list of 5 choices will be generated, which will include both the original choice, and a brand new list of 4 new choices, one from each branch, which will not necessarily match the original list that the character had prior to selecting the current choice. The new choice does not have to be picked immediately and will remain open for the character to choose until the end of the season.

Any items/facilities crafted/built with this specialization will persist after the specialization is reset. Example: constructing Deluxe Storage Crates from the same specialization then resetting it with a cleanser will not destroy the crates, and they will still remain in the base.

Memory Fragments[]

Additionally, up to 3 specialization replacements per season can be made by consuming Memory Fragments. These are inventory items found in "Special" tab that are randomly added to a character inventory with a low chance when consuming a Controller to open boss loot. Like Memetic Cleansers, Fragments are too season-exclusive and will disappear after the season ends. Each Fragment weights 0.000, but unlike Cleansers - is not linked to a character and can thus be both stored in storage crates and traded between characters, however a character will not be able to consume more than 3 per season even if they obtained more than 3.

As with cleansers, replacing a specialization will not remove/destroy items/facilities created from the specialization being replaced.


Unlocking 2 Memetic Specializations within the same branch grants you a unique "Identity" related to that branch, which you can showcase to other players, however it is aesthetic only as it offers no functional bonuses.

Specialization Branch Identity Description
Gathering Prospector Masters of the wild, those with the knack to craft exceptional Gathering Tools. Unrivaled efficiency in resource harvesting, no one does it better.
Smelterer Mater Smelter of Mineral Resources. Adept at re-crafting natural materials, wielding a plethora of unique techniques to transform raw elements.
Crafting Machinist Master of Mechanical Marvels, Granting Tactical items the power of reuse and the strength to alter their core effects.
Demolition Expert
Master Craftsman Master of the Essentials: A whiz at crafting the basics like ammunition and activators, adept at creating a variety of handy tools for any adventurer's needs.
Management Child of the Earth
Hydro Engineer Masters of Hydro Engineering. Excelptional at securing and transforming liquid resources.
Star Chef Culinary masters who can bestow unique effects upon each creation, enhancing the dish's preservation potential.
Building Tinkerer Master of architecture. Amps up the overall defense of structures and infuses furniture with unique effects.
Artillery Marshal Master the art of Fortification. Turbocharge your Territory with Turrets and Traps of unparalleled might.
N/A Unknown Thrust into the wild, the nameless survivor relies on the wisdom of bygone civilizations and sheer physical grit to brave the forces of nature.

Specialization Branches[]

Below information (including colors) was firstly taken from the in-game V-ikipedia (accessible from: hit ESC > click on "Assistant" icon at the top-right > click on HOME tab at the top > click on "More >" at the top-right > Scroll all the way to the bottom > click on MEMETIC SPECIALIZATION LIST). It was supplemented with additional community-supplied details (in italics) that players might find relevant (such as formula ingredients and crafting time, list of applicable structures, stacking outcomes with other specializations).

Branches are listed in the order they appear in the memetic specialization selection screen. Specializations are listed in alphabetic order by default, but can be sorted differently by clicking on the desired column header. Tier column is available to allow sorting by increasing/decreasing level (tier 1 is level 5/10/15, 2 is 20/25/30/35, 3 is 40/45/50).

PVE Scenarios[]

The following specializations are available in PVE scenarios (currently these are Manibus and The Way of Winter). Where a specialization is still unknown to occur in a scenario by the community - it will be suffixed by ?, you can remove the question mark if you encounter that specialization in that scenario.


Image Name Tag Effect Details Scenario Tier Available levels
Art of Stardust Decay Smelter Unlock New Formula: Art of Stardust Decay Consume Stardust Source to craft Acid using the Electric Furnace (takes 60s to produce 1x Acid from 4x Stardust Source). Manibus, Winter 3 40/45/50
Crystal Transformation Smelter Unlock New Formula: Crystal Transformation Turn Stardust Source and alloy ingots into various types of Crystals at the Electric Furnace (gives 4 separate crafting formulas each taking 60s to craft 1x Crystal: 1x Beryllium Crystal from 15x Stardust Source + 5x Bronze Ingot, 1x Vanadium Crystal from 15x Stardust Source + 5x Steel Ingot, 1x Iridium Crystal from 15x Stardust Source + 5x Aluminum Ingot, 1x Platinum Crystal from 15x Stardust Source + 5x Tungsten Ingot). Manibus, Winter 3 40/45/50
Disassembly Bench: Careful Disassembly Smelter Facility Boost: Disassembly Bench Yield +30% when disassembling Parts, Fabrics and Plastic. Manibus, Winter 1 5/10/15
Electric Chainsaw: Chainsaw Horror Show Prospector Improved Formula: Chainsaw Chainsaw Durability cap +50%, Chainsaw Attack Speed +30%, and Chainsaw Melee DMG +100%. Manibus, Winter 2 20/25/30/35
Electric Drill: Treasure Hunter Prospector Improved Formula: Electric Drill Enjoy +100% yield when mining for Gold Ore, Silver Ore, and Stardust Ore with an Electric Drill (will also apply to Solar Drill). Manibus, Winter 2 20/25/30/35
Electric Furnace: Efficiency Lover Smelter Facility Boost: Electric Furnace Power Consumption -50%, and Crafting Time -60%. Manibus, Winter 2 20/25/30/35
Electric Furnace: Electrolysis Smelter Facility Boost: Electric Furnace Doubles Yield when smelting Aluminum and Tungsten Ingots using the Electric Furnace. Manibus, Winter 3 40/45/50
Furnace: Chaosium Material Analysis Prospector Facility Boost: Furnace When Using Furnaces and Electric Furnaces to produce Chaosium, production speed -30%; Chaosium yield +1 for every 5 C in excess of 30 C, up to a maximum of +10. Winter 2 20/25/30/35
Furnace: Large Furnace Smelter Facility Boost: Furnace For every 5 C increase in the environmental temperature, output increases by 1%, with no upper limit (applies to both Furnace and Electric Furnace). Winter 1 5/10/15
Furnace: Precision Refining Smelter Facility Boost: Furnace Resource Consumption -30%, and Smelting Time -30% when smelting Copper, Bronze, Steel, Aluminum, and Tungsten Ingots using a Furnace or Electric Furnace. Manibus, Winter 1 5/10/15
Gunpowder Extraction Smelter Unlock New Formula: Gunpowder Use Hot Rock Ore and other materials to craft gunpowder at the Supplies Workbench (gives 2 new separate crafting formulas for crafting Gunpowder (in addition to Gunpowder formula universally available to all players from Crafting > "Ammunition I" memetic) each taking 60s to complete at any Supplies Bench: either 1x Gunpowder from 30x Hot Rock Ore, or 3x Gunpowder from 1x Fire Crystal; Fire Crystals can be traded between characters and can be crafted by characters that unlocked specialization "Molecular Structure Research"). Winter 2 20/25/30/35
Gold Pickaxe and Silver Pickaxe Prospector Unlock New Formula: Gold Axe and Silver Axe Gold and Silver Pickaxes have low durability. When using the Gold Pickaxe for mining, there is a chance to receive Spice. When using the Silver Pickaxe for logging, there is a chance to receive a random Fruit. (takes 60s to produce 1x item at Advanced Supplies Bench: 1x Gold Pickaxe (chance to receive Masala when mining) from 30x Gold Ore, or 1x Silver Pickaxe (chance to receive Apple when logging) from 25x Silver Ore; item is classed as Tools > "Tools", weights 0.200, has 250 use durability, can be traded to other characters, cannot be transferred to Eternaland and disappears when the season ends). Manibus, Winter 3 40/45/50
Load Handling Prospector Unlock New Formula: Load Handling When in your Backpack, it reduces the weight of Logs, Gravels, and Ores you carry by 40%-80%. Effect cannot stack (takes 60s to produce 1x item of level 1, 2, or 3 at any Supplies Bench: 1x "level 1" item (40% weight reduction) from 6x Shabby Fabric, or 1x "level 2" item (60% weight reduction) from 18x Carbon Fiber Fabric, or 1x "level 3" item (80% weight reduction from 30x Bulletproof Fiber Fabric; item is classed as Tools > "Survival Device", weights 0.500, has 14 days durability, can be traded to other characters, can be sold to vendors for 300 Energy Links, cannot be sold to Eternaland Island Shop or be transferred to Eternaland and disappears when the season ends). Manibus, Winter 1 5/10/15
Lucky Logging Platform Prospector Unlock New Facility: Lucky Logging Platform Receive random crops when in a sunny area (looks the same as Logging Platform, also needs Logging Beaver deviation and 12 W from an electric generator to function, but unlike the regular one - the Lucky one does not require unlocking any memetics to be built, and has a different cost to build: 25x Tungsten Ingot + 30x Electronic Part + 15x Metal Scraps + 15x Adhesive + 20x Rubber + 4x Storage Battery). Manibus, Winter 1 40/45/50
Metal Dissolution Smelter Unlock New Formula: Metal Dissolution Use Acid and Gold ore to craft Chaosium at the Electric Furnace (takes 60s to produce 30x Chaosium from: 3x Gold Ore + 10x Acid). Winter 3 40/45/50
Molecular Structure Research Smelter Unlock New Formulas: Ice Crystal and Fire Crystal Use Hot Rock Ore or Cold Crystal Ore to craft Fire Crystals and Ice Crystals at the Supplies Workbench (takes 60s at any Supplies Workbench to produce 1x Crystal from 20x Ore of the same type; each crystal is classed as Tools > "Tactical Item", weights 0.200, has single use durability increasing user's Heat Resist (Fire Crystal only) or Cold Resist (Ice Crystal only) by 10 for 600s, can be traded to other characters and can be used as a relevant crafting ingredient by characters that unlocked any of the following specializations: "Frost Shield Generator", "Gunpowder Extraction", "Portable Thermostat", "Snowmobile", can be sold to vendors for 20 Energy Links or to Eternaland Island Shop for 200 Astral Sand, cannot be transferred to Eternaland and disappears when the season ends). Winter 2 20/25/30/35
Oil Processing Smelter Unlock New Formula: Oil Processing Turn Stardust Ore and Portable Mixed Fuel into Stardust Source using Electric Furnace (takes 60s to produce 50x Stardust Source from: 15x Portable Refined Fuel + 50x Stardust Ore). Manibus, Winter 2 20/25/30/35
Pickaxe: Forest Foe Prospector Improved Formula: Pickaxe Pickaxe Durability is doubled. Enjoy + 30% yield when logging with the Pickaxe, and gain 150% of the resources when you completely destroy a tree. Manibus, Winter 1 5/10/15
Pickaxe: Moonlight Mining Prospector Improved Formula: Pickaxe When using the Pickaxe for Mining, increase the yield of Copper Ore, Tin Ore, Iron Ore, Aluminum Ore, and Tungsten by 25%. Effect doubles at night (21:00-06:00). Manibus, Winter 1 5/10/15
Stardust Mining Platform Prospector Unlock New Facility: Stardust Mining Platform Increase Mining yield by 20%. Can mine Stardust when in a Pollution Zone (looks the same as Mining Operation Platform, also needs The Digby Boy deviation and 15 W from an electric generator to function, but unlike the regular one - the Stardust one does not require unlocking any memetics to be built, and has a different cost to build: 25x Tungsten Ingot + 50x Stardust Source + 30x Electronic Part + 15x Metal Scraps + 15x Adhesive + 20x Rubber + 4x Storage Battery). Manibus, Winter 3 40/45/50
Precious Metal Refining Smelter Unlock New Formula: Precious Metal Refining Smelt Gold and Silver Ores into Ingots using the Electric Furnace. The Ingots can be sold for a large number of Energy Links (12,000 for 1x Gold Ingot, and 6,000 for 1x Silver Ingot; each Ingot takes 60s to smelt from 30x Ore of the same type; weights 0.020, can be traded to other characters, cannot be transferred to Eternaland and disappears when the season ends). Manibus, Winter 2 20/25/30/35
Solar Drill Prospector Unlock New Formula: Solar Drill The Solar Drill charges itself on sunny days. Enjoy +15%-40% yields of Copper Ore, Tin Ore, Iron Ore, Aluminum Ore and Tungsten Ore (takes 60s to produce 1x item of level 1, 2, or 3 at Intermediate or Advanced Supplies Bench: 1x "level 1" item (15% yield) from 20x Aluminium Ingot + 20x Special Part + 20x Electronic Part + 20x Metallic Fiber + 1x Storage Battery, or 1x "level 2" item (25% yield) from 40x Tungsten Ingot + 20x Special Part + 20x Electronic Part + 20x Metallic Fiber + 1x Storage Battery, or 1x "level 3" item (40% yield) from 60x Gold Ore + 20x Special Part + 20x Electronic Part + 20x Metallic Fiber + 1x Storage Battery; item is classed as Tools > "Tool", weights 1.000, has 50 use rechargeable durability, also recharges at night during full Moon, benefits from "Electric Drill: Treasure Hunter" specialization, can be traded to other characters, can be sold to vendors for 600 Energy Links, cannot be sold to Eternaland Island Shop or be transferred to Eternaland and disappears when the season ends). Manibus, Winter 2 20/25/30/35
Large Refinery Facility Smelter Unlock New Facility: Large Refinery Has increased tranformation efficiency, and can transform Acid into Portable Mixed Fuel (the facility is called "Large Refinery Facility" in building menu, it looks and costs the same as Small Refinery Facility, but unlike the Small one - the Large one does not require unlocking any memetics to be built, requires 15w power instead of 10w, offers 2 processing slots instead of 1, has 2 output slots instead of 1, crafts 5x Portable Mixed Fuel from 10x Barreled Crude Oil in 30 minutes instead of 1 hour, crafts 1x Barreled Premium Fuel in 60 minutes from 25x Portable Mixed Fuel instead of 50x, adds a new conversion not available in the Small one: 5x Portable Mixed Fuel from 10x Acid in 30 minutes, and if "Refining Facility: Smelting" specialization is also selected, it will allow crafting 10x Hot Rock Ore from 100x Sulfur in 30 minutes instead of 60 minutes). Manibus, Winter 1 5/10/15


Image Name Tag Effect Details Scenario Tier Available levels
Adrenaline Shot: Phoenix Master Craftsman Improved Formula: Adrenaline Shot Take less DMG for the first 10s after respawning and slowly recover HP. Manibus, Winter 2 20/25/30/35
Backpack Expansion Master Craftsman Unlock New Formula: Backpack Expansion When in your Backpack, increase Max Load by 40-80. Effect cannot stack (takes 60s to produce 1x item of level 1, 2, or 3 at any Supplies Bench: 1x "level 1" item (+40 Max Load) from 10x Metal Scraps + 10x Rawhide + 15x Rubber, or 1x "level 2" item (+60 Max Load) from 15x Iridium Crystal + 10x Rawhide + 15x Rubber, or 1x "level 3" item (+80 Max Load) from 30x Platinum Crystal + 10x Rawhide + 15x Rubber; item is classed as Tools > "Survival Device", weights 0.500, has 14 days durability, can be traded to other characters, can be sold to vendors for 300 Energy Links, cannot be sold to Eternaland Island Shop or be transferred to Eternaland and disappears when the season ends). Manibus, Winter 1 5/10/15
Blade Fan Demolition Expert Unlock New Formula: Blade Fan Made of multiple Throwing Daggers. Upon hitting target, it triggers different effects based on the Throwing Daggers used (takes 60s to produce at Intermediate/Advanced Supplies Bench (NB. Primary Supplies Bench cannot be used despite this being 5/10/15 specialization) 1x item that will deal the damage of 6x 488 + 400% Psi Intensity to any target hit, and will also trigger the same effect that is triggered by the ingredient daggers, which can be either of: 5x Throwing Dagger (no extra effect triggered), 5x Fire Throwing Dagger (raises target's temperature), 5x Ice Throwing Dagger (lowers target's temperature), 5x Explosive Throwing Dagger (causes explosion), 5x Vortex Throwing Dagger (triggers Frost Vortex), 5x Gold Knife (triggers Unstable Bomber, and +1 extra Unstable Bomber if hitting a weakspot of a Deviant)). Manibus?, Winter 1 5/10/15
ClaymoreMine Warrior's Resolve
Claymore Mine: Warrior's Resolve Demolition Expert Improved Formula: Claymore Mine Claymore Mine deals an additional 4000 + 400% Psi Intensity damage and increases Max HP by 400% Psi Intensity. Manibus, Winter 2 20/25/30/35
Combo Chipset Machinist Unlock New Formula: Combo Chipset Turn Electronic Parts, Metal Scrap, and Parts into the Combo Chipset using the Supplies Workbench. The Combo Chipset can be sold for a large number of Energy Links (12,000, crafted in 60s on Intermediate or Advanced Supplies Workbench from 20x Metal Scraps + 30x Electronic Part + either of: 15x Rusted Part, or 15x Standard Part, or 12x Refined Part, or 12 Special Part, or 10x Automatic Part). Manibus, Winter 2 20/25/30/35
Composite Crystal Master Craftsman Unlock New Formula: Composite Crystal Can be crafted with Cold Crystal Ore or Hot Rock Ore at the Supplies Workbench. Can be sold for a high price (1x 12,000 Energy Links, description is incorrect as both ore types are required to produce the item, taking 60s to craft at any Supplies Bench despite this being level 40+ specialization from: 50x Hot Rock Ore + 50x Cold Crystal Ore; item is classed as Materials > "Materials", weights 0.100, can be traded to other characters, can be sold to vendors for 12,000 Energy Links, cannot be sold to Eternaland Island Shop or be transferred to Eternaland and disappears when the season ends). Winter 3 40/45/50
Disassembly Bench: Electronic Recycling Machinist Facility Boost: Disassembly Bench Yield +50% for Metal Scraps and Electronic Parts. Manibus, Winter 1 5/10/15
Electronics Grabber Machinist Unlock New Formula: Electronics Grabber When in your Backpack, there is a 10%-30% chance to receive 1 to 3 additional electronic modules when opening a Storage Crate. Effect cannot stack (takes 60s to produce 1x item of level 1, 2, or 3 at any Supplies Bench: 1x "level 1" item (10% chance) from 10x Copper Ingot + 10x Adhesive + 5x Rubber, or 1x "level 2" item (20% chance) from 20x Silver Ore + 10x Adhesive + 5x Rubber, or 1x "level 3" item (30% chance) from 50x Stardust Ore + 10x Adhesive + 5x Rubber; item is classed as Tools > "Survival Device", weights 0.500, has 14 days durability, can be traded to other characters, can be sold to vendors for 300 Energy Links, cannot be sold to Eternaland Island Shop or be transferred to Eternaland and disappears when the season ends). Manibus, Winter 1 5/10/15
Explosive On-the-Go Demolition Expert Unlock New Formula: Explosive On-the-Go When in your Backpack, reduce the weight of Grenades, Molotov Cocktails, High Explosives, Shrapnel Grenades, Thermite Grenades, Rocket Launcher Rockets, and Grenade Launcher Grenades by 30%-60%. After using a throwable, increase Sprint Speed by 20% for 2s. Effect cannot stack (in the inventory theitem is called "Explosive Strap" taking 60s to produce 1x item of level 1, 2, or 3 at any Supplies Bench: 1x "level 1" item (30% weight reduction) from 6x Shabby Fabric + 15x Rawhide, or 1x "level 2" item (45% weight reduction) from 18x Carbon Fiber Fabric + 15x Rawhide, or 1x "level 3" item (60% weight reduction) from 30x Bulletproof Fiber Fabric + 15x Rawhide; item is classed as Tools > "Survival Device", weights 0.500, has 14 days durability, can be traded to other characters, can be sold to vendors for 300 Energy Links, cannot be sold to Eternaland Island Shop or be transferred to Eternaland and disappears when the season ends). Manibus, Winter 1 5/10/15
Explosive Sack Demolition Expert Unlock New Formula: Explosive Sack When in your Backpack, there is a 30%-60% chance to salvage Explosive Compound after using High-Explosive Grenades, Shrapnel Grenades, and Simple Explosives. There is a 30%-60% chance to salvage Sulfur after using Molotov Cocktails and Thermite Grenades. Effect cannot stack (takes 60s to produce 1x item of level 1, 2, or 3 at any Supplies Bench: 1x "level 1" item (30% salvage chance) from 20x Copper Ore + 5x Adhesive + 25x Rubber, or 1x "level 2" item (45% salvage chance) from 25x Silver Ore + 5x Adhesive + 25x Rubber, or 1x "level 3" item (60% salvage chance) from 50x Stardust Ore + 5x Adhesive + 25x Rubber; item is classed as Tools > "Survival Device", weights 0.500, has 14 days durability, can be traded to other characters, can be sold to vendors for 300 Energy Links, cannot be sold to Eternaland Island Shop or be transferred to Eternaland and disappears when the season ends). Manibus, Winter 1 5/10/15
Explosive Throwables: Echo Blast Demolition Expert Improved Formula: Explosive Throwables Increase the DMG of High-Explosive Grenades, Shrapnel Grenades, Molotov Cocktails, and Thermite DMG by 30%. The first target killed will trigger 1 extra explosion, dealing damage equal to 400% Psi Intensity. Manibus, Winter 2 20/25/30/35
Frag Grenade: Viscoelastic Cold Fire Demolition Expert Improved Formula: Frag Grenade Units hit by the Frag Grenade will be marked with Cold Fire. When a marked unit is killed, the environmental temperature within a certain range is reduced by 100 C (one hundred degrees Celsius). Winter 3 40/45/50
Frost Armor Master Craftsman Unlock New Formula: Frost Shield Generator Can be crafted at the Large Synthesis Bench. When the temperature is below 0 C, gain a shield equal to 200% Psi Intensity. The shield refreshes every 300 seconds. If crafted with Ice Crystals, the shield's value is increased to 500% Psi Intensity (gives 2 new formulas either takes 60s to produce 1x item at Large Synthesis Bench: 1x "Frost Armor" (200% Psi Intensity) from 100x Hot Rock Ore + 10x All Purpose Plastic + 10x Rubber, or 1x "Enhanced Frost Armor" (500% Psi Intensity + 20 Cold Resist) from 3x Fire Crystal + 10x All Purpose Plastic + 10x Rubber; item is classed as Tools > "Tactical Item", weights 0.200, has 1 use durability, can be traded to other characters, cannot be transferred to Eternaland and disappears when the season ends; Fire Crystals can be traded between characters and can be crafted by characters that unlocked specialization "Molecular Structure Research"). Winter 2 20/25/30/35
Gear Workbench: Customization Master Craftsman Facility Boost: Gear Workbench Weapons and Armor crafted using the Gear Workbench enjoy +30% Max Durability (applies to: Gear Workbench, Intermediate Gear Workbench, Advanced Gear Workbench). Manibus, Winter 1 5/10/15
Golden Knife Demolition Expert Unlock new Formula: Golden Knife A throwing knife with extremely high damage that is made from gold. When it hits an enemy, it will trigger the Unstable Bomber effect. Whe it hits the Weakspot of a Deviant, trigger 1 additional Unstable Bomber effect (in the inventory item is called "Gold Knife" taking 5s to produce 1x item at Advanced Supplies Bench from: 3x Gold Ore + 3x Rawhide; item is classed as Tools > "Tactical Item", weights 0.050, can be traded to other characters, cannot be transferred to Eternaland and disappears when the season ends). Manibus, Winter 3 40/45/50
Grenade: Cluster Grenade Demolition Expert Improved Formula: Grenade After exploding, it generates a secondary bomb that sticks to a random target hit and explodes after a delay. Manibus?, Winter 3 40/45/50
Grenade: Line Charge Demolition Expert Improved Formula: Grenade When it explodes, it pulls affected Deviants toward the center of the explosion. Manibus?, Winter 2 20/25/30/35
High Power Warhead Demolition Expert Unlock New Formula: High Power Warhead A high-efficiency Rocket Launcher warhead. It's lighter and deals more damage to buildings and vehicles (takes 5s to produce 1x item at Large Synthesis Bench from: 20x Tungsten Ingot + 10x Mixed Explosives + 30x Stardust Source + 10x Electronic Part + 30x Portable Mixed Fuel; item is classed as Tools > "Ammo", weights 0.500, has 1 use durability, deals +30% damage to buildings and vehicles over "Rocket Warhead" that is universally available from Crafting > "Rocket Launchers" memetic, can be traded to other characters, cannot be transferred to Eternaland and disappears when the season ends). Manibus, Winter 3 40/45/50
Jump Booster Machinist Unlock New Formula: Jump Booster Use to gain the double jump ability for 30 seconds. Can use up to 5 times (takes 60s to produce at any Supplies Bench from: 5x Electronic Part + 5x Adhesive + 5x Rubber; item is classed as Consumables > "Consumable", weights 0.010, has 5 use durability, can be traded to other characters, cannot be transferred to Eternaland and disappears when the season ends). Manibus, Winter 1 5/10/15
Portable Gun Turret: Explosive Automatic Ammo Machinist Improved Formula: MG Turret The MG Turret's bullets have a chance of triggering Unstable Bomber. Manibus?, Winter 2 20/25/30/35
Portable MG Turret: Barrage of Bullets Machinist Improved Formula: Portable MG Turret Firing the MG Turret can trigger the Bounce effect, increasing HP and DMG by 30%. The MG Turret is now a reusable item, with up to 5 uses max. Manibus, Winter 2 20/25/30/35
Portable Thermostat Master Craftsman Unlock New Formula: Portable Thermostat Can be crafted at the Large Synthesis Bench (wrong destription - actually at any Supplies Bench). When activated, expends 1 Storage Battery every 30 minutes to reduce or increase the environmental tempreature within 3 meters by 20 C (effect does not stack) (this is not a single univeral temperature control item like Chaosium Lantern that is able to adjust temperature intelligently in either direction, but instead 4 separate items that in crafting menu and inventory are called (Enhanced) "Portable Heater" (that can only increase the temperature) and (Enhanced) "Portable Cooler" (that can only reduce the temperature); gives 4 new crafting formulas each taking 60s to complete at any Supplies Bench (including Primary Supplies Bench despite this being level 20+ specialization): either 1x "Portable Heater" (epic rariy, 3 meter range) from 30x Hot Rock Ore + 2x Bronze Ingot + 5x All-Purpose Plastic + 1x Electronic Part, or 1x "Enhanced Portable Heater" (legendary rarity, 5 meter range) from 1x Fire Crystal + 2x Bronze Ingot + 5x All-Purpose Plastic + 1x Electronic Part, or 1x "Portable Cooler" (epic rarity, 3 meter range) from 30x Cold Crystal Ore + 2x Bronze Ingot + 5x All-Purpose Plastic + 1x Electronic Part, or 1x "Enhanced Portable Cooler" (legendary rarity, 5 meter range) from 1x Ice Crystal + 2x Bronze Ingot + 5x All-Purpose Plastic + 1x Electronic Part; each item as fuel consumes 1x Storage Battery every 30 minutes craftable on Intermediate/Advanced Supplies Bench after unlocking memetic Logistics > "Electrical Kit", classed as Tools > "Tactical Item", weights 0.200, has 100 use durability, can be traded to other characters, can be sold to vendors for 20 Energy Links or to Eternaland Island Shop for 200 Astral Sand, cannot be transferred to Eternaland and disappears when the season ends; Fire and Ice Crystals can be traded between characters and can be crafted by characters that unlocked specialization "Molecular Structure Research"). Winter 2 20/25/30/35
Portable Updraft Device Machinist Unlock New Formula: Portable Updraft Device Use to temporarily summon an updraft at the location for 30s. When inside the updraft, jump height is increased. Can use up to 10 times (in the inventory item is called "Portable Updraft Cannon" taking 60s to produce at any Synthesis Bench from: 15x Electronic Part + 30x Stardust Source + 5x Steel Ingot; item is classed as Consumable > "Consumable", weights 0.010, has 10 use durability, can be traded to other characters, cannot be transferred to Eternaland and disappears when the season ends). Manibus, Winter? 2 20/25/30/35
Rare Crystal Set Master Craftsman Unlock New Formula: Rare Crystal Set Turn Crystals into the Rare Crystal Set using the Electric Furnace. The Rare Crystal Set can be sold for a large number of Energy Links (1x 12,000, smelted in 60s from either 12x Platinum Crystal or 12x Iridium Crystal or 15x Vanadium Crystal or 15x Beryllium Crystal). Manibus, Winter 3 40/45/50
Scout Drone: Freezing Drone Machinist Improved Formula: Scout Drone Scout Drones reduce the Movement Speed of nearby enemy units. Winter 2 20/25/30/35
Scout Drone: Invisible Hunter Machinist Improved Formula: Scout Drone Scout Drones enjoy the Bull's Eye effect, +30% Scout Drone HP and DMG. Scout Drones can also now be used up to 5 times. Manibus, Winter 3 40/45/50
Silentfire Shield Machinist Unlock New Formula: Silentfire Shield Can be crafted at the Synthesis Bench. When the environmental temperature falls below -10 C, generate a 360 shield for up to 300 seconds. Shield Value = Your HP + 100% Psi Intensity - Current Temperature x 500 (description is incorrect and the item can be used at any temperature, but will lower the temperature within the shield's 3 meter area by 10 C; takes 60s to produce 1x item at Large Synthesis Bench from: 5x Bronze Ingot + 8x Refined Part + 8x Fireproof Plastic + 2x Mixed Explosives + 10x Boiled Water + 2x Stardust Source; item is classed as Tools > "Tactical Item", weights 0.200, has 1 use durability, can be traded to other characters, cannot be transferred to Eternaland and disappears when the season ends). Winter 3 40/45/50
Snowmobile Master Craftsman Unlock New Formula: Snowmobile Can be crafted at the Supplies Workbench. Movement Speed in snow +20%, Movement Speed in blizzards +10%, Cold Resist +10 (gives 2 new formulas either takes 60s to produce 1x item at any Supplies Bench: 1x "Snowmobile" (base stats + 10 Frost Resist) from 60x Cold Crystal Ore + 10x Copper Ingot + 10x Adhesive, or 1x "Enhanced Snowmobile" (base stats + 10 Frost Resist + 25% roll/sprint/melee swinging Stamina cost reduction) from 2x Ice Crystal + 10x Copper Ingot + 10x Adhesive; item is classed as Tools > "Tactical Item", weights 0.200, has 60 10s durability, can be used while riding a vehicle, can be traded to other characters, can be sold to vendors for 20 Energy Links or to Eternaland Island Shop for 200 Astral Sand, cannot be transferred to Eternaland and disappears when the season ends; Ice Crystals can be traded between characters and can be crafted by characters that unlocked specialization "Molecular Structure Research"). Winter 1 5/10/15
Spectral Cloak Machinist Unlock New Formula: Spectral Cloak Activate to become Cloaked for 120s. Upon leaving combat, you'll become Stealthy. Use up to 10 times (takes 60s to produce 1x item at Large Synthesis Bench from: 60x Electronic Part + 30x Stardust Source + 25x Bulletproof Fiber Fabric; item is classed as Consumable > "Consumable", weights 0.010, has 10 use durability, can be traded to other characters, cannot be transferred to Eternaland and disappears when the season ends). Manibus, Winter 3 40/45/50
Stardust Barrier: Hold the Line Machinist Improved Formula: Stardust Barrier Stardust Barriers +50% HP. When the Stardust Barrier is deployed, it replenishes 50% HP for all allies within 3m. Stardust Barriers can also now be used 5 times. Manibus, Winter 3 40/45/50
Stardust Regulator Master Craftsman Unlock New Formula: Stardust Regulator Recover 70% of HP immediately and gain a Shield equal to 30% Max HP. This has a 30s cooldown (independent of Activators' cooldowns) and can be used up to 15 times (taking 60s to produce 1x item at Advanced Supplies Bench from: 50x Stardust Source + 10x Refined Detoxient + 15x Electronic Part). Manibus, Winter? 3 40/45/50
Sulfur Chemist Demolition Expert Unlock New Formula: Sulfur Chemist Can use Sulfur and Energy Link at the Synthesis Bench to slowly produce Acid (takes 300s to produce 1x Acid on any Synthesis Bench from: 5x Sulfur + 50x Energy Link). Manibus, Winter 2 20/25/30/35
Supplies Workbench: Ammo Factory Master Craftsman Facility Boost: Supplies Workbench Crafting Output +50% when crafting regular Ammunition. Manibus, Winter 1 5/10/15
Supplies Workbench: Anti-Armor Master Craftsman Facility Boost: Supplies Workbench Yield +30% when crafting AP Ammo, and Crafting Time -50%. Manibus, Winter 3 40/45/50
Supplies Workbench: Forest Hunter Master Craftsman Improved Formula: Supplies Workbench Crossbow Bolt output +50% and crafting time -50%. Manibus?, Winter 1 5/10/15
Supplies Workbench: Healing Boost Master Craftsman Facility Boost: Supplies Workbench HP Recovery +10% when crafting Activators, and Output +1 (applies to: Supplies Workbench, Intermediate Supplies Workbench, Advanced Supplies Workbench). Manibus, Winter 2 20/25/30/35
Synthesis Bench: Recycle & Reuse Master Craftsman Facility Boost: Synthesis Bench When crafting Drones, Turrets, Stardust Shields, Spectrum Generators, and Projection Generators, increase their use count by 1 (boosts both Synthesis Bench and Large Synthesis Bench). Manibus, Winter 2 20/25/30/35
Throwing Dagger: Bullseye Demolition Expert Improved Formula: Throwing Dagger Throwing Dagger +30% DMG. After killing an enemy with a Throwing Dagger, the next throw +100% DMG. Manibus, Winter 1 5/10/15
Ultra Grenade Demolition Expert Unlock New Formula: Ultra Grenade Higher Blast DMG, and additional bonus DMG against buildings and vehicles (takes 5s to produce 8x at Large Synthesis Bench from: 20x Tungsten Ingot + 10x Mixed Explosives + 50x Stardust Source + 30x Portable Mixed Fuel; item is classed as Tools > "Ammo", weights 0.100, can be traded to other characters, cannot be transferred to Eternaland and disappears when the season ends). Manibus, Winter 3 40/45/50


Image Name Tag Effect Details Scenario Tier Available levels
Activated Carbon Filter Hydro Engineer Unlock New Formula: Activated Carbon Purifier When in your Backpack, when gathering water by the water with a flask, there is a 30% chance to receive Boiled Water or Pure Water. Effect cannot stack (takes 60s to produce at any Supplies Bench from: 15x Charcoal + 5x Rawhide + 10x Adhesive; item is classed as Tools > "Survival Device", weights 0.500, has 14 days durability, can be traded to other characters, can be sold to vendors for 300 Energy Links, cannot be sold to Eternaland Island Shop or be transferred to Eternaland and disappears when the season ends). Manibus, Winter 1 5/10/15
Biomass Generator: Heat Generator Sparksmith Improved Formula: Biomass Generator Can use Hot Rock Ore to generate electricity. Power output +30%. Winter 2 20/25/30/35
Biomass Generator: Sustained Output Sparksmith Facility Boost: Biomass Generator Biomass Generator Power Output +5w, and Fuel Burn Duration +150%. Manibus, Winter 2 20/25/30/35
Canned Goods: Mini Canner Star Chef Improved Formula: Canned Goods +1 Yield when crafting Canned Goods. Manibus, Winter 2 20/25/30/35
Chef's Knife Star Chef Unlock New Formula: Chef's Knife When in your Backpack, Meat yield +1 when Field Dressing animals, with a 30% - 60% chance to yield additional byproducts. Effect cannot stack (takes 60s to produce 1x item of level 1, 2, or 3 at any Supplies Bench: 1x "level 1" item (30% chance) from 10x Copper Ore + 5x Rawhide + 10x Log, or 1x "level 2" item (45% chance) from 25x Silver Ore + 5x Rawhide + 10x Log, or 1x "level 3" item (60% chance) from 30x Gold Ore + 5x Raw Hide + 10x Log; item is classed as Tools > "Survival Device", weights 0.500, has 14 days durability, can be traded to other characters, can be sold to vendors for 300 Energy Links, cannot be sold to Eternaland Island Shop or be transferred to Eternaland and disappears when the season ends). Manibus, Winter 1 5/10/15
Compost Bin Child of the Earth Unlock New Formula: Compost Bin When in your Backpack, if there is Spoiled Food in your Backpack, 1-3 Spoiled Foods will be consumed every 10-5 minutes, and be turned into Mushrooms or random Fertilizer. Effect cannot stack (takes 60s to produce 1x item of level 1, 2, or 3 at any Supplies Bench: 1x "level 1" item (10 minute cooldown) from 5x Spoiled Food + 20x Log + 10x Adhesive, or 1x "level 2" item (8 minute cooldown) from 10x Fertilizer - Breeding Boost + 20x Log + 10x Adhesive, or 1x "level 3" item (5 minute cooldown) from 20x Fertilizer - Mutation Boost + 20x Log + 10x Adhesive; item is classed as Tools > "Survival Device", weights 0.500, has 14 days durability, can be traded to other characters, can be sold to vendors for 300 Energy Links, cannot be sold to Eternaland Island Shop or be transferred to Eternaland and disappears when the season ends). Manibus, Winter 1 5/10/15
Deviant Power Generator: Energy Extraction Sparksmith Facility Boost: Deviant Power Generator Deviant Power Generator power output +10%. If the environmental temperature is higher than 50 C, power output +20% more. Winter 3 40/45/50
Deviant Power Generator: Stardust Unleashed Sparksmith Facility Boost: Deviant Power Generator Increase Deviant Power Generator's power output by 15% (will increase from the base value of 35 W to 40.7 W, stacks with "Generator: Electrical Expert" for a total of 42.5 W). Manibus, Winter 3 40/45/50
Fish Pheromones Child of the Earth Unlock New Formula: Pheromone Bait Can be crafted with pheromones from certain fish at the Supplies Workbench. Use it to increase your chances of catching specific kinds of fish (gives 2 new formulas for items that in the inventory either taking 60s to produce on Intermediate/Advanced Supplies Workbench: 1x "Small Freshwater Pheromone" (attracting longnose gar/Anglefish/their variants) from 1x Carp/Largemouth Black Bass/Mackerel/Sardine/Sunfish/Bighead Carp/Suckerfish/Tilapia/Salmon, or 1x "Large Freshwater Pheromone" (attracting Rainbow Trout/Arowana/Koi Fish/their variants) from 1x Northern Pike; item is classed as Consumables > "Consumable", weights 0.010, has 1 use durability, can be traded to other characters, cannot be sold to vendors for Energy Links, can be sold to Eternaland Island Shop for 10 Astral Sand, cannot be transferred to Eternaland and disappears when the season ends). Manibus?, Winter 3 40/45/50
Gardening Gloves Child of the Earth Unlock New Formula: Gardening Gloves When in your Backpack, there is a 6%-12% chance to double the seeds when acquiring plant seeds. Effect cannot stack (takes 60s to produce 1x item of level 1, 2, or 3 at any Supplies Bench: 1x "level 1" item (6% chance) from 6x Shabby Fabric + 5x Rawhide + 10x Adhesive, or 1x "level 3" item (9% chance) from 18x Carbon Fiber Fabric + 5x Rawhide + 10x Adhesive, or 1x "level 3" item (12% chance) from 30x Bulletproof Fiber Fabric + 5x Rawhide + 10x Adhesive; item is classed as Tools > "Survival Device", weights 0.500, has 14 days durability, can be traded to other characters, can be sold to vendors for 300 Energy Links, cannot be sold to Eternaland Island Shop or be transferred to Eternaland and disappears when the season ends). Manibus, Winter 1 5/10/15
Generator: Electrical Expert Sparksmith Facility Boost: Generator Maximum Number of Generators +1, and +2w Power Output (Maximum Number of Generators stacks with "Hydraulic Generator: One with the Tides" specialization, and with Logistics > "Power Upgrade - II" memetic for a total maximum of any 8 generators). Manibus, Winter 2 20/25/30/35
Generator: Heat Dissipation Sparksmith Improved Formula: Generator When the nearby temperature is higher than 20 C, every 1 additional degree increases power output by 0.2%; when the nearby temperature is higher than 60 C, every 1 additional degree increases power output by 0.5%, up to 40%. Winter 2 20/25/30/35
Grilled Dish: Grilling Master Star Chef Improved Formula: Grilled Dishes Grilled Dishes grant Cold Resist +10 for 10 minutes when consumed; yield +1 (applies to: Grilled Snow Mushrooms, Grilled Seaweed). Winter 2 20/25/30/35
Harvesting Sickle Child of the Earth Unlock New Formula: Harvesting Sickle When in your Backpack, there is a 20%-40% chance to double the yield when gathering in the wilderness. Effect cannot stack (takes 60s to produce 1x item of level 1, 2, or 3 at any Supplies Bench: 1x "level 1" item (20% chance) from 10x Copper Ore + 3x Rawhide + 10x Log, or 1x "level 2" item (30% chance) from 25x Silver Ore + 3x Rawhide + 10x Log, or 1x "level 3" item (40% chance) from 30x Gold Ore + 3x Raw Hide + 10x Log; item is classed as Tools > "Survival Device", weights 0.500, has 14 days durability, can be traded to other characters, can be sold to vendors for 300 Energy Links, cannot be sold to Eternaland Island Shop or be transferred to Eternaland and disappears when the season ends). Manibus, Winter 1 5/10/15
Hydraulic Generator: One with the Tides Sparksmith Facility Boost: Hydraulic Generator Maximum Number of Generators +1. Power Output +0-7w, depending on the speed of water flow (note that although power output bonus only applies to hydraulic generators, yet generator maximum from this specialization applies to all generators and not only hydraulic ones; the maximum from this specialization stacks with "Generator: Electrical Expert" specialization, and with Logistics > "Power Upgrade - II" memetic for a total maximum of any 8 generators). Manibus, Winter 3 40/45/50
Iced Treat: Brain Freeze Star Chef Improved Formula: Iced Treat Iced Treat Effect Duration +200%, and Potency +30%. Manibus, Winter 2 20/25/30/35
Improved Compound Fertilizer Child of the Earth Unlock New Formula: Improved Compound Fertilizer Crop Fertilizer that can significantly enhance crop Mutation Rate and Yield, but will also slow down Growth (takes 60s to produce at Intermediate or Advanced Supplies Bench from: 3x Mushroom + 10x Fertilizer). Manibus, Winter 2 20/25/30/35
Kitchen Set: Gourmand Star Chef Facility Boost: Kitchen Set Based effects of all Dishes +30% when prepared using a Kitchen Set, Effect Duration +50% and Crafting Time -50%. Manibus, Winter 3 40/45/50
Nalcott Easter Egg Star Chef Unlock New Formula: Nalcott Easter Egg Craft in Kitchen Set. Use to randomly receive the contents of a Settlement Loot Crate (takes 60s to cook in Kitchen Set from: 60x Stardust Source + 15x any flower (Bellflower/Sage/Honeysuckle/Scarlet Calamus/Coneflower/Yellow Lotus) + extra 20x of another flower (can be the same species as the 15x) + 3x any egg (Crocodile Egg/Bird Egg); outcome is a non-decaying legendary dish that gives +100 Energy, +100 Hydration, -500 Sanity and the contents of a Settlement Loot Crate, which might be Storage Crate, Gear Crate or Weapon Crate, but will not be a Mystic Crate, i.e. it may give resources, Energy Links, Mods, or Mod Parts, but will never give Blueprint Fragments). Manibus, Winter 3 40/45/50
Planter Box: Greenhouse Planting Child of the Earth Improved Formula: Planter Box Omcreases crop growth rate. Yield +1 for every 20 C increase in temperature. Winter 2 20/25/30/35
Portable Diving Gear Hydro Engineer Unlock New Formula: Portable Diving Gear When in your Backpack, increase Oxygen by 40%-100% and Swimming Speed by 20%-40% when diving. Effect cannot stack (takes 60s to produce 1x item of level 1, 2, or 3 at any Supplies Bench: 1x "level 1" item (+40% Oxygen, +20% Swimming Speed) from 6x Waste Plastic + 10x Rawhide + 10x Adhesive + 15x Rubber, or 1x "level 2" item (+70% Oxygen, +30% Swimming Speed) from 18x Fireproof Plastic + 10x Rawhide + 10x Adhesive + 15x Rubber, or 1x "level 3" item (+100% Oxygen, +40% Swimming Speed) from 30x Special Plastic + 10x Rawhide + 10x Adhesive + 15x Rubber; item is classed as Tools > "Survival Device", weights 0.500, has 14 days durability, can be traded to other characters, can be sold to vendors for 300 Energy Links, cannot be sold to Eternaland Island Shop or be transferred to Eternaland and disappears when the season ends). Manibus, Winter 1 5/10/15
Portable Fridge Star Chef Unlock New Formula: Portable Fridge When in your Backpack, reduce the spoilage speed of Food in your Backpack by 70%-90%. Effect cannot stack (takes 60s to produce 1x item of level 1, 2, or 3 at Intermediate or Advanced Supplies Bench: 1x "level 1" item (70% spoilage speed reduction) from 10x Copper Ingot + 15x Storage Battery + 20x Metal Scraps, or 1x "level 2" item (80% spoilage speed reduction) from 25x Silver Ore + 15x Storage Battery + 20x Metal Scraps, or 1x "level 3" item (90% spoilage speed reduction) from 30x Gold Ore + 15x Storage Battery + 20x Metal Scraps; item is classed as Tools > "Survival Device", weights 0.500, has 14 days durability, can be traded to other characters, can be sold to vendors for 300 Energy Links, cannot be sold to Eternaland Island Shop or be transferred to Eternaland and disappears when the season ends). Manibus, Winter 2 20/25/30/35
Portable Rainwater Collection System Hydro Engineer Unlock New Formula: Portable Rainwater Collection System When in your Backpack, slowly recover Hydration, and a 30%-60% chance to receive 1 Dirty Water, Pure Water, or Acid every minute when it rains. Effect cannot stack (takes 60s to produce 1x item of level 1, 2, or 3 at any Supplies Bench: 1x "level 1" item (30% chance) from 6x Shabby Fabric + 20x Log + 10x Adhesive, or 1x "level 2" item (45% chance) from 18x Carbon Fiber Fabric + 20x Log + 10x Adhesive, or 1x "level 3" item (60% chance) from 30x Bulletproof Fiber Fabric + 20x Log + 10x Adhesive; item is classed as Tools > "Survival Device", weights 0.500, has 14 days durability, can be traded to other characters, can be sold to vendors for 300 Energy Links, cannot be sold to Eternaland Island Shop or be transferred to Eternaland and disappears when the season ends). Manibus, Winter 1 5/10/15
Pulse Power Device Sparksmith Unlock New Formula: Pulse Power Device When in your Backpack, recover all HP, increase Movement Speed by 15% and Psi Intensity by 30% for 6s when struck by lightning. Effect cannot stack (in the inventory item is called "Lightning Impulse Regulator" taking 60s to produce at Advanced Supplies Bench from: 10x Storage Battery + 15x Tungsten Ingot + 30x Stardust Source + 10x Electronic Part; applies during rainstorms and "Destroy 9 Deviated Eggs" Mist Zone Event; item is classed as Tools > "Survival Device", weights 0.500, has 14 days durability, can be traded to other characters, can be sold to vendors for 300 Energy Links, cannot be sold to Eternaland Island Shop or be transferred to Eternaland and disappears when the season ends). Manibus, Winter 3 40/45/50
Refining Facility: Smelting Hydro Engineer Improved Formula: Refinery Facility The Refinery Facility can refine Sulfur into Hot Rock Ore (10x Ore will be produced from 100x Sulfur in 1 hour in Small Refinery Facility, or in 30 minutes in Large Refinery Facility). Winter 2 20/25/30/35
Roasted & Dried: Low and Slow Star Chef Improved Formula: Roasted & Dried Roasted and Dried Dishes now provide +15 Energy and +10% Sanity. Manibus, Winter 1 5/10/15
Solar Generator: Photon Power Sparksmith Facility Boost: Solar Generator Solar Generator Power Output + 10w (stacks with "Artificial Sun" upgrade of the Thermal Tower for a total power output of 40w for an Advanced Solar Generator). Manibus, Winter 2 20/25/30/35
Spicy Pepper Star Chef Improved Formula: Spicy Pepper Dishes Dishes that include Spicy Pepper as an ingredient are 30% more effective. When comsumed, they deal DMG equal to 10% Psi Intensity to nearby enemies, with a 30% chance todealadditional DMG equalto 90% PsiIntensity and inflict 1 stack of Burn. Winter 1 5/10/15
Stardust Dish: Shell Break Star Chef Improved Formula: Stardust Dish The Stardust Dish provides 2 special Whim effects. For 30 minutes after consuming it, you will recover HP over time when your Sanity is full. Manibus, Winter 3 40/45/50
Stardust Water Pump Hydro Engineer Unlock New Facility: Stardust Water Pump A special Water Pump that can extract Stardust Source from polluted soil when supplied with Storage Batteries (consumes 1x Storage Battery to produce 80x Stardust Source every 5 min, and does not produce any outputs without a Storage Battery, looks the same as a regular Water Pump and on top of the consumed Storage Battery also needs 10 W from an electric generator, however does not require unlocking Logistics > "Water Pump" memetic and has a higher cost to build (which is the same as "Icebreaker Water Pump" from Winter scenario): 30x Steel Ingot + 50x Stardust Source + 20x Carbon Fiber Fabric + 20x Refined Part + 20x Standard Part + 30x Electronic Part). Manibus, Winter 2 20/25/30/35
Stove: Long-Term Storage Star Chef Facility Boost: Stove Doubles the shelf life of Dishes you cook yourself (applies to: Stove, Electric Stove, Kitchen Set). Manibus, Winter 1 5/10/15
Water Pump: Underground Pump Hydro Engineer Unlock New Facility: Icebreaker Water Pump You can installit on an ice surface or water surface to break the ice and gather the resources below (can be placed over any surface, including regular soil, water or ice, consumes 1x Storage Battery to produce 200x Cold Crystal Ore every 5 min, and does not produce any outputs without a Storage Battery, looks the same as a regular Water Pump and on top of the consumed Storage Battery also needs 10 W from an electric generator, however does not require unlocking Logistics > "Water Pump" memetic and has a higher cost to build (which is the same as "Stardust Water Pump"): 30x Steel Ingot + 50x Stardust Source + 20x Carbon Fiber Fabric + 20x Refined Part + 20x Standard Part + 30x Electronic Part). Winter 2 20/25/30/35


Image Name Tag Effect Details Scenario Tier Available levels
Basic Defense: Battle-Hardened Artillery Marshal Facility Boost: Basic Defense Sandbags, Shelters, and High Fortifications gain the Battle-Hardened effect, Durability +100%. When your Territory exits combat, Durability recovers to 100% (only applies to: Sandbag, Fortification, High Fortification). Manibus, Winter 1 5/10/15
Bed: A Place to Call Home Tinkerer Facility Boost: Bed Sleep for more than 10s to cure all diseases and reduce Stamina depletion for the next 10 minutes. Manibus, Winter 1 5/10/15
Bed: Heat Preservation Tinkerer Facility Boost: Bed Sleep for more than 10s to gain 30% Cold Resist for the next 30 minutes. Winter 2 20/25/30/35
Biomass Missile: Ample Munition Artillery Marshal Improved Formula: Biomass Missile Plasma Missiles -80% Weight, and +2 Crafting Yield. Manibus, Winter 2 20/25/30/35
Building Master Tinkerer Facility Boost: Structures Material structures +150, furniture +50. Manibus?, Winter 3 40/45/50
Deluxe Storage Crate Tinkerer Unlock New Facility: Deluxe Storage Crate A large Storage Crate with 64 item slots (called "Custom Storage Crate" in the building menu, has the same appearance, friend access rights, and cost as a Large Crate: 20x Copper Ingot + 15x Rubber + 5x Standard Part). Manibus, Winter 1 5/10/15
Dummy: Fear and Terror Artillery Marshal Improved Formula: Dummy Automatically attracts nearby Deviants. Manibus?, Winter 2 20/25/30/35
Flamethrower Trap: Kebob Party Artillery Marshal Improved Formula: Flamethrower Trap Flamethrower Traps inflict Burn. If the enemy has more than 10 stacks of Burn, they explode 1 time. Cooldown: 1 second. Manibus?, Winter 3 40/45/50
Flamethrower Trap: Scorching Blast Artillery Marshal Facility Boost: Flamethrower Trap Flamethrower Trap DMG +30%. When the Flamethrower Trap kills an enemy, an explosion is triggered, dealing AoE Blast DMG to all nearby units (1s cooldown). Manibus, Winter 1 5/10/15
Furnace: Sintering Tinkerer Facility Boost: Furnace Sintered Brick and Glass Crafting Time -50%, Yield +100% (applies to both Furnace and Electric Furnace). Manibus, Winter 2 20/25/30/35
Gatling Cannon: Power Blast Artillery Marshal Facility Boost: Gatling Cannon Gatling Cannons deal +30% DMG. When your Territory exits combat, Durability recovers to 100%. Manibus, Winter? 3 40/45/50
Gravitational Grip: Bonds of Guidance Artillery Marshal Facility Boost: Gravitational Grip When the Gravitational Grip trap is triggered by an enemy, there's a 20% chance that it will also inflict "The Bull's Eye". Manibus, Winter 2 20/25/30/35
Red Plasma Rounds Artillery Marshal Unlock New Formula: Red Plasma Rounds Special ammunition used by Gatling Cannons. They are extremely expensive but overwhelmingly powerful. There is no bullet drop in its trajectory, deals tons of damage, and has a large explosive radius. Can be kept for 24 hours (in the inventory item is called "Silver Plasma Missiles" taking 60s to produce 1x item at Large Synthesis Bench from: 125x Stardust Source + 30x Tungsten Ingot + 4x Barreled Premium Fuel; they are the only way to deal damage to silver shields of Manibus boss in Nightmare Mode Prime War; item is classed as Tools > "Ammo", weights 2.000, has 24 hour durability, can be traded to other characters, cannot be transferred to Eternaland and disappears when the season ends). Manibus, Winter 3 40/45/50
Reinforced Structures: Healing Defense Tinkerer Facility Boost: Reinforced Structures Reinforced structures gain the Healing Defense effect. When your Territory exits combat, the Durability of reinforced structures is automatically restored to 80% (applies to all structures from only the following categories: Enhanced Support, Small Enhanced Support, Enhanced Roofs, Enhanced Doors & Windows, Small Enhanced Roofs, Enhanced Stairs, Enhanced Curved Structures). Manibus, Winter 3 40/45/50
Rifle Turret: Two Birds One Stone Artillery Marshal Facility Boost: Rifle Turret Rifle Turret DMG +30%, Durability + 30%, and attacks on target trigger a Bounce effect. Manibus, Winter 3 40/45/50
Robotics Facility: Skilled Mechanician Artillery Marshal Facility Boost: Robotics Facility Increase the Durability of Traps and Rifle Turret type facilities by 50%. Manibus, Winter 1 5/10/15
Shotgun Turret: Volley Fire Artillery Marshal Facility Boost: Shotgun Turret Shotgun Turret DMG +30%, Power Consumption -30%, with a 30% chance to trigger the shrapnel effect upon hitting an enemy. Manibus, Winter 2 20/25/30/35
Stone Structures: Intense Defense Tinkerer Facility Boost: Stone Structures Structures built from stone gain the Intense Defense effect, Durability + 100%, and the maximum number of Structural items that can be placed in your Territory at any one time +100 (applies to all structures from only the following categories: Stone Support, Stone Roofs, Stone Doors & Windows, Small Stone Support, Small Stone Roofs, Stone Stairs, Stone Curved Structure). Manibus, Winter 2 20/25/30/35
Updraft Device: Gravity Lite Tinkerer Facility Boost: Updraft Device Gravity is reduced around the Updraft Cannon, and Movement Speed is increased for 5s. Manibus, Winter 2 20/25/30/35
Wood Structures: Tough Plant Tinkerer Facility Boost: Wood Structures Structures built from wood gain the Tough Plant effect, and Durability + 150% (applies to all structures from only the following categories: Wooden Support, Wooden Roofs, Wooden Doors & Windows, Wooden Stairs, Small Wooden Support, Small Wooden Roofs, Wooden Curved Structure). Manibus, Winter 1 5/10/15

PVP Scenarios[]

The following specializations are available in PVP scenarios (currently these are Evolution's Call and Prismverse's Clash).

